Understanding Realtor Fee in Connecticut: Everything You Need to Know!

Written By Sarah Ford

Buying or selling a home in Connecticut? Understanding the realtor fee is more important than you might think, and here’s why.

If you are a seller, your net profit hinges on the commissions you give to your realtor. Even if you want to bake the realtor fee into the final asking price, there is a very small wiggle room to adjust the commission. And, give the realtor fees in Connecticut ranges from $18,160 to $25,280 on a $400,000 home, sellers have to pay a good chunk of their profits towards commissions.

Even as a buyer, you need to be aware of these fees even if you do not have to pay it directly. Home buying itself is an expensive affair. Furthermore, with Connecticut’s housing market booming – home prices reaching unprecedented heights, seeing a 15.3% surge from the previous year, every decision, including the realtor fees, impacts your overall budget and the value you get from your investment.

Believe it or not, realtor fees aren’t just additional costs and nor are they just a seller’s concern. Being informed about how much you pay a realtor actually gives you the power to negotiate, manage finances effectively, and ensure you’re getting the best value for your money. So let’s get into it!

What is the average realtor fee in Connecticut? How much should you expect to pay?

Before answering the how let’s answer the why- why are you paying a realtor exactly! If you are a new homebuyer or seller, I am sure you have asked yourself this question a gazillion times.

Well the answer is simple, you pay the realtors for their expertise! Usually the fee that you pay them is not a pre-negotiated flat price but a commission or a percentage of the final selling price of the property.

  • Sellers and the listing agent decide the commission and it is written down in the listing agreement.
  • Once the commission is agreed upon, it is factored into the overall price of the home. This means that the commission amount is added to the selling price.
  • Listing agent does the needful, get a suitable buyer and successfully sell the house.
  • At closing sellers pay the agents. Listing and buyer agent then split this commission basis the percentage discussed earlier or mentioned in the property listing.

Role of the Listing Agent

The listing agent plays a vital role in promoting the property to potential buyers. Realtors have access to the local Multiple Listing Service (MLS) and various online and offline media, where can list the property to attract interested parties. They take care of the marketing, open houses and showings.

Role of the Buyer’s Agent

Buyer’s agent bring qualified buyers and pushes them to closure while keeping the buyer’s best interest in mind during negotiations and closing.

State of Real Estate Commission in Connecticut

State of Real Estate Commission in Connecticut

Comparing the Connecticut data to the national average, we can see that the commission rates in Connecticut are generally in line with the national average commission rate of 5.37%. This means that sellers in Connecticut can expect to pay a commission amount similar to the average commission amount across the United States, which is approximately $19,019 based on the national average home price. In Connecticut, the average home price slightly exceeds the national average, standing at $360,551.

Commission amount in Connecticut = Average home price X Average commission rate

= $360,551 X 5.12%

= $18,460

If the agents agree to split the commission equally, each agent would receive approximately $9,230.

Each agent’s commission = Total commission ÷ 2

= $18,460 ÷ 2

= $9,230

1.1 Realtor fee will vary depending on home price and location

The commission for real estate transactions in Connecticut can vary based on the range of home prices within the state. Let’s consider a range of home prices above and below the average price of $360,551. In Connecticut, the commission typically falls within the range of 4.5% to 6%.

By considering various home prices, we can calculate the potential commission amounts within this range.

Home price range4.5% Realtor Fee5.12% realtor Fee6% Realtor Fee
$200,000 to $250,000$9,000 – $11,250$10,240 – $12,800$12,000 – $15,000
$275,000 to $325,000$12,375 – $14,625$14,080 – $16,640$16,500 – $19,500 
$350,000 to $400,000$15,750 – $18,000$17,920 – $20,480$21,000 – $24,000
$425,000 to $475,000$19,125 – $21,375$21,760 – $24,320$25,500 – $28,500
$500,000 to $550,000$22,500 – $24,750$25,600 – $28,160$30,000 – $33,000
$575,000 to $625,000$25,875 – $28,125$29,440 – $32,000$34,500 – $37,500
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1.2 How does the realtor fee in Connecticut compare to fees in other states?

The commission varies from state to state. So let’s compare the commission in Connecticut to that in other states.

When it comes to realtor fees, they can vary significantly from state to state. Realtor fees, also known as commission rates, are typically a percentage of the final sale price of a property and are paid to the real estate agent or broker involved in the transaction. Understanding the differences in realtor fees across states is important for both buyers and sellers in order to plan and budget accordingly. Here are some key points to consider:

Regional Variations

Realtor fees can vary based on regional factors such as market demand, competition, and cost of living. States with higher property values and a strong real estate market tend to have higher commission rates compared to states with lower property values or less competitive markets.

National Average Commission

The national average commission rate in the United States typically ranges from 5% to 6% of the final sale price. However, it’s important to note that this average can fluctuate based on the specific circumstances of the transaction and the negotiations between the parties involved.

Connecticut Realtor Fees

In Connecticut, the typical realtor fee ranges from 4% to 6% of the final sale price. This falls within the national average range and is influenced by factors such as the local market conditions and the complexity of the transaction.

Interstate Comparisons

When comparing realtor fees across different states, it’s important to consider the local market dynamics and regulations that may impact commission rates. For example, some states have laws that dictate how commission rates are set, while others have more flexibility for negotiations between agents and clients.

Low-Commission Brokerages

In recent years, there has been an emergence of low-commission brokerages that offer discounted rates compared to traditional full-service brokerages. These low-commission options may vary from state to state and can provide cost savings for buyers and sellers. It’s important to carefully review the services offered by these brokerages to ensure they meet your specific needs.

Individual Negotiations

While there may be general trends in realtor fees across states, it’s important to remember that commission rates are negotiable. Buyers and sellers have the ability to negotiate the terms of the realtor fee with their chosen agent or broker, taking into account factors such as the property’s value, the level of service required, and the local market conditions.

It’s crucial for buyers and sellers to research and understand the realtor fee structure in their specific state and local area to make informed decisions when engaging with real estate professionals. Consulting with a local real estate agent or broker can provide valuable insights and guidance on commission rates and the overall cost of buying or selling a property.

1.3 What is the realtor commission in different counties of Connecticut?

The commission that realtors earn in Connecticut is typically calculated as a percentage of the home’s sale price. This means that the commission amount can vary depending on the price of the home being sold. To better understand how realtor fees differ across the state, let’s take a closer look at the top 20 counties in Connecticut.

To determine the realtor fees, we will consider the median home price of each county, which will be obtained from a trusted source such as Zillow. Then, we will use the average realtor fee in Connecticut, which is 5.41%, to calculate the commission amount.

By examining the realtor fees in different counties, we can gain valuable insights into how home prices directly impact the commission earned by real estate agents. This information will help both buyers and sellers understand the financial aspects involved in real estate transactions and make more informed decisions.

Here is a table showcasing the counties in Connecticut, their respective median home prices, and the calculated realtor fee:

County Median Home Price Average Realtor Fee in Connecticut

CountyMedian home PriceAverage realtor fee in Connecticut
New London$348,921$18,876.62
New Haven$342,243$18,515.34

Understanding the realtor fees in different counties of Connecticut is essential for both buyers and sellers in order to make informed decisions and plan their finances accordingly. By considering these factors, individuals can better estimate the costs associated with real estate transactions in their desired county.

2. Who pays the realtor fee in Connecticut?

t is a common practice for the seller to cover the realtor commission. This means that the commission amount is factored into the overall price of the home, and ultimately, it is the seller who pays it. This payment is typically made during the closing process when the seller receives the funds from the sale of the house.

However, looking at it from a technical perspective, some may argue that the buyer indirectly bears the cost of the commission. This is because the buyer is the one who pays the full price for the home, and it is from that amount that the agent deducts the commission before the seller receives their portion.

So, in simple terms, while it is the seller who officially covers the commission, the buyer’s payment for the home includes the commission amount. It is then deducted by the agent before the seller receives their share of the funds. This way, both the buyer and the seller are involved in the transaction process, and the commission is ultimately taken care of through the overall financial arrangement.

2.1 Who pays the commission on rental deal in Connecticut?

Factoring in realtor commission when renting a property is essential as it is an additional cost that impacts your budget.

Unlike in home purchases, where the seller typically covers the commission, rental transactions ARE A LITTLE DIFFERENT. In rental transactions you will deal with rental agent who will help tenants find suitable rental properties in their budget.

There is no written evidence that supports who will pay the commission in rental transactions. However, in most of the cases the responsibility for commission payment rests on the agreement between the landlord and the tenant. That’s why to determine who pays commission in rental transaction is tough- there are varying payment arrangements on a case-by-case basis.

To avoid potential misunderstandings, it is essential to discuss and document the commission payment terms in the lease agreement. Clarity and transparency regarding respective responsibilities are key in ensuring a harmonious rental experience.

2.2 How much is the rental commission in Connecticut?

2.2.1 One month’s rent

The rental commission in Connecticut is often pegged at one month’s rent. For instance, if you’re renting a property with a monthly rent of $1,500, the rental commission charged by the agent would typically amount to $1,500. This commission is typically paid by the landlord as part of the rental agreement.

2.2.2 Percentage of annual rent

Typically, the rental commission in Connecticut is determined as a percentage of the total annual rent or as a flat fee equivalent to one month’s rent. However, it’s important to note that these figures can be negotiable, and the commission structure may differ from one agent to another or from one rental agreement to another.

For example, if it is 10% of the annual rent, and the annual rent is $12,000, then the commission would be $1,200.

Commission = Annual rent X 10%

= $12,000 X 10%

= $1,200

2.2.3 Extended lease agreements

In Connecticut, when tenants and landlords extend a lease, do pay attention to any commission involved. You will find this infor detailed in the lease agreement. Understanding this commission ensures clarity about financial responsibilities during the lease extension.

The commission percentage can differ based on the agreement, so discuss terms with the real estate agent or landlord to prevent misunderstandings. For smooth lease extensions, both parties should be well-informed and maintain open communication. Always check the lease for specifics, and approach extensions with a clear understanding for a hassle-free rental experience.

3. Realtor fee split between brokers and agents

In real estate, agents don’t directly pocket commissions from transactions; they operate under brokers who are licensed to handle these funds. Unless you are working with a “Realtor” who can work independently and adhere to the NAR rules.

This setup mandates a commission split between the agent and broker. Here’s a breakdown using a practical example:

  • Let’s consider a total commission of $16,500:
  • The listing broker and the buyer’s broker each get 50%, meaning they each receive $8,250.
  • The listing broker then divides their $8,250 with the listing agent, often at a 60/40 rate. So, the listing agent walks away with $5,050, while the broker retains $3,200.

It’s noteworthy for new agents to understand that starting splits might be 50/50, but with experience and proven performance, they can negotiate for more favorable ratios like 70/30 or even 80/20.

Additionally, it’s essential to distinguish between agents, brokers, and realtors. The term “realtor” refers to members of the National Association of Realtors (NAR), ensuring they adhere to its ethical standards.

This understanding of commission splits and roles helps real estate professionals effectively navigate their careers and manage their earnings.

4. Is Realtor fee tax-deductible

Realtor fees are not tax-deductible in the conventional sense. However, the IRS treats them as an expense related to the sale of a property. As a result, sellers are allowed to deduct the realtor fee from the adjusted sales price of the home when calculating the capital gains tax on the sale.

The adjusted sales price is calculated by subtracting the realtor fee and other selling expenses from the gross sales price of the home. The capital gains is then calculated by subtracting the adjusted sales price from the purchase price of the home. The capital gains are then taxed at the applicable capital gains tax rate.

For example, if a home is sold for $400,000 with a realtor fee of $25,000, the adjusted sales price would be $375,000. If the home was purchased for $300,000, the capital gains would be $75,000. The seller would then pay capital gains tax on that amount.

It is important to note that there are some restrictions on deducting realtor fees as selling expenses. For example, the seller must have lived in the home for at least two of the five years before the sale. Additionally, the seller must itemize their deductions on their tax return.

If you are considering selling your home, it is important to speak with a tax advisor to determine if you are eligible to deduct realtor fees as selling expenses.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind:

  • The seller must have lived in the home for at least two of the five years before the sale to deduct realtor fees as selling expenses.
  • The seller must itemize their deductions on their tax return to deduct realtor fees as selling expenses.
  • The seller can only deduct the actual amount of the realtor fee, not the estimated amount.
  • The seller can only deduct the realtor fee once, even if they sell the home multiple times.

5. Should you negotiate Realtor fee?

Yes! Realtor fee is typically the most significant expense when selling a home, so you should definitely try to negotiate it. Even if you are able to save 0.1% in commission, you can still save thousands.

In recent years, advancements in technology have enabled real estate professionals to streamline their operations and increase efficiency. However, while expenses have been reduced, real estate commissions have remained relatively stable. This has led many sellers and buyers to question the reasonableness of these commissions, particularly in light of the consistent rise in home prices over time.

Recognizing this sentiment, some real estate professionals have started offering discounts and rebates in Connecticut to attract more clients. While some agents are willing to provide upfront discounts, others may be more hesitant or require persuasion before offering a discount.

Negotiating with experienced negotiators like real estate agents can be challenging, but certain situations can facilitate smoother dealings. Let’s explore some of these situations:

Lengthy Time on the Market

If a property has been listed for an extended period without significant interest or offers, agents may be more inclined to negotiate their commission to secure a sale.

Competitive Market

In a highly competitive market where agents are vying for clients, they may be more open to negotiating their commission structure in order to attract and retain customers.

Multiple Transactions

If an agent is handling multiple transactions for a client, such as selling their current home and assisting with the purchase of a new one, they may be more willing to negotiate the commission as a gesture of goodwill and to foster a long-term client relationship.

Referrals and Repeat Business

Agents value referrals and repeat business, so clients who have the potential to provide ongoing referrals or engage in future transactions may have leverage to negotiate a more favorable commission arrangement.

Unique Property or Challenging Sale

For properties that present unique challenges or require significant marketing efforts, agents may be more receptive to negotiating their commission in order to secure the listing and invest the necessary resources.

While negotiating with real estate agents can be a complex task, understanding these situations and leveraging them to your advantage can increase the likelihood of reaching a mutually.

6. How to negotiate Realtor fee

Mastering the art of negotiation is crucial when dealing with real estate agents. While understanding the right timing for negotiation is important, possessing effective negotiation skills will bring you closer to achieving your desired outcome. Presenting a compelling proposal can significantly increase your chances of successfully reducing the agent’s commission. Here are some strategies to consider when negotiating with a real estate agent:

6.1 Preparedness Principle

It is essential to be prepared to walk away during negotiations. If the agent senses that you have limited alternatives, they may be less inclined to negotiate or may attempt to take advantage of the situation. Treat the negotiation as a business transaction and be ready to explore other options. Demonstrating your willingness to consider alternatives will encourage the agent to reconsider their position and be more open to reducing the commission. Clearly communicate your intentions to the agent.

6.2 Buyer Agent’s Commission

Avoid minimizing the buyer agent’s commission in an effort to reduce overall fees. This commission serves as an incentive for buyer agents to show your property to their clients. Significantly lowering the commission may discourage buyer agents from considering your listing, leading to fewer inquiries and a potentially longer selling process. Instead, focus on negotiating with the listing agent, who may be more receptive to reducing their commission.

6.3 Assisting with Agent’s Responsibilities

Propose a lower commission by offering to undertake certain tasks typically handled by the agent. For example, if you have a large house, volunteering to organize an open house where potential buyers can visit and view the property can be beneficial for the agent. This allows the agent to meet clients and showcase not only your home but also their other properties. By actively supporting the agent’s efforts, they may be more willing to consider reducing the commission.

6.4 Taking Charge of Buyer Meetings

If you have the time and availability, inform the agent that you are willing to personally meet with prospective buyers. This saves the agent time and effort. The more you contribute to facilitating the process, the more open the agent may be to reducing the commission.

6.5 Implementing Agent’s Suggestions

When an agent provides recommendations to enhance the appeal of your property, follow their advice. Taking actions such as cleaning windows, repairing the roof, or rearranging furniture demonstrates your commitment to selling the house quickly. A swift sale reduces the agent’s time and effort, making them more inclined to consider a commission reduction.

6.6 Engaging Multiple Agents

Speaking with multiple agents before finalizing one provides valuable insights into their operations and their willingness to negotiate. Clearly communicate that you are seeking the lowest possible commission and that you will work with the agent who offers the most favorable terms. Competition among agents may lead to counteroffers and potential further reductions in the commission before making a final decision. However, it’s important to maintain reasonable expectations, as agents work diligently and may refuse to work with you if the bargaining becomes excessive.

6.7 Market Knowledge

Agents can quickly identify if you lack knowledge about the market conditions. Conduct extensive research about your local area, including average commission rates, recent sales of similar properties, and whether it’s a buyer’s or seller’s market. Being well-informed empowers you to effectively counter any arguments put forth by the agent, positioning you as a knowledgeable negotiator. When agents perceive your market understanding, they are more likely to approach the commission negotiation with reason.

6.8 Leveraging Personal Connections

If you have friends or family members in need of a real estate agent, utilize this information to your advantage. Promise the agent that you will refer them to your network if they agree to reduce the commission in your case. When agents realize they can gain additional business through your referrals, they may be more willing to offer a discount on the commission, understanding that the potential for future opportunities outweighs the immediate reduction in income.

By applying these strategies and adapting them to your specific circumstances, you can improve your negotiation skills and increase your chances of successfully reducing the commission when dealing with real estate agents.

7. What services does Realtor fee include

Real estate agents are paid in commissions for the services they offer. This commission serves as compensation for the agent’s services. While the specific services included in a Realtor fee may vary, there are certain common services that are typically provided:

MLS Listing

The agent will list your home on the Multiple Listing Service (MLS), making it visible to other real estate agents and potential buyers.

Market Analysis

Your agent will help you determine the fair market value of your home. They provide insights on the current real estate market’s impact on the sale.

Home Showings

The agent will show you properties that meet your criteria, assist in scheduling appointments, and coordinate showings.


Your agent will negotiate with potential buyers on your behalf, aiming to secure the best possible price for your home.

Paperwork Preparation

The agent will assist you with all the necessary paperwork involved in the sale. This can include as is not limited to purchase agreement, closing disclosure, and deed.

Closing Assistance

Your agent will be present at the closing to ensure a smooth process.

In addition to these standard services, some Realtors offer additional services such as:

Home Staging

This involves making your home visually appealing for sale. Realtors either by recommending a home stager or guiding you through the staging process.

Home Inspection

Some agents offer assistance in arranging a professional home inspection to identify any major defects or repairs needed before selling.

Title Insurance

Your agent can help you purchase title insurance, which protects against any potential title defects.

The cost of a Realtor fee varies based on factors like location, the agent’s experience, and the services provided. Generally, Realtor fees range from 5% to 6% of the home’s sale price.

If you’re considering working with a real estate agent, do inquire what’s inclusive in their fee. This will help you understand what you’re paying for and ensure you receive the maximum value for your investment.

8. How to reduce realtor fee without negotiating

In situations where a seller may not have the time or inclination to negotiate, there are alternatives to reducing the commission. There are many ways to achieve this and a few are mentioned below. Based on your specific requirements, you can choose the options that best fit your circumstances.

8.1 Agent Matching Services

Agent matching services connect sellers with high-quality agents who’ve agreed to reduced commissions. These services are often free and can quickly match sellers with qualified agents. Examples include Clever Real Estate, UpNest, and Ideal Agent. They save time for sellers and guarantee a commission discount without negotiation.

8.2 FSBO (For Sale by Owner)

Choosing FSBO means sellers handle the sale without a listing agent, potentially saving on listing commission. However, they might still have to pay a buyer agent’s commission. The average FSBO home sells for around $260,000, whereas agent-assisted homes average $318,000. Thus, while FSBO can save on commission, it may fetch a lower selling price.

8.3 Flat Fee MLS Company

Flat fee MLS companies allow sellers to list their property on the MLS for a fixed fee. It then gets promoted on major platforms like Zillow, Realtor.com, and Trulia. Some of these companies offer additional marketing services for an extra charge.

8.4 Discount Brokers

Discount brokers charge less than traditional agents. There are two main types:

Full-Service Discount Realtors: Offer the same services as traditional agents but at a lower commission. They utilize economies of scale, optimized processes, and a higher volume of transactions to afford the reduced rates.

Limited-Services Discount Realtors: Offer essential services at a significantly lower commission, generally around 1% to 2% of the sale price. They limit their service scope to achieve these savings.

9. How to find realtor agents in Connecticut

When it comes to finding a realt estate agent in Connecticut, there are multiple avenues you can explore beyond relying solely on agent matching services. While these services can be valuable in connecting you with pre-negotiated lower commission agents, it’s also worth considering the option of conducting your own research to find top realtors in the area.

By taking the initiative to explore and connect with realtors directly, you gain the opportunity to assess their qualifications, experience, and compatibility with your specific needs. In this guide, we will explore various methods and resources that can help you find reputable and trustworthy realtor agents in Connecticut, ensuring you make an informed decision when selecting the right professional to guide you through your real estate journey.

  • If you are seeking a comprehensive list of the highest-ranking agents in Connecticut, simply click here.
  • For a city-specific breakdown of the top agents in Connecticut, click here.
  • To discover the most highly recommended agents in the last 12 months, click here.
  • Check out the leading realtors in Connecticut as identified by UpNest.

10. FAQ

10.1 What is Dual Agency?

Dual agency occurs when one agent represents both the seller and the buyer in a real estate transaction. This can lead to reduced commissions, but it poses a potential conflict of interest since the agent must serve two parties with opposing goals. While it’s permitted in some states, others have made it illegal due to these inherent challenges.

10.2 What is Fee-for-service?

Fee-for-service real estate models allow sellers to select and pay only for specific services they require. Instead of a blanket commission, sellers might choose particular services, like contract drafting or showing assistance. This flexibility often results in cost savings, especially for those familiar with parts of the selling process.

10.3 Do you need MLS service to list home on Zillow?

While many homes on Zillow are sourced from Multiple Listing Services (MLS), the platform also offers a dedicated FSBO section. Sellers can directly list their homes here, bypassing the need for an MLS service. It’s a cost-effective method for sellers who wish to market their properties independently.

10.4 What if buyer doesn’t have an agent?

When buyers operate without an agent, they often assume they’re saving on commission. However, since the commission structure is predefined between the seller and the listing agent, buyers might still indirectly pay. In these cases, buyers can attempt to negotiate with the listing agent for a price reduction, considering the absence of a buyer’s agent commission split.

10.5 What are buyer Rebates

Some buyer’s agents offer a portion of their commission back to the buyer as a rebate. This can lead to significant savings for the buyer. The rebate can be used for various home purchase-related expenses or taken as cash back. However, buyers should check regional regulations and individual agent policies, as rebates are not universally offered.

Real estate agents possess valuable knowledge and expertise that can potentially help you save sellers thousands of dollars. They can do this by effectively cutting costs and negotiating on their behalf. A skilled agent’s goal is not only to cover their commission but also to secure a higher price for the house. Thus, basing your agent selection solely on a low commission may not be the most effective approach. It’s worth noting that agent-assisted home sales generally yield higher prices compared to FSBO (For Sale By Owner) sales.

Choosing the FSBO route can be suitable if you are confident about your selling ability and are willing to invest the necessary time and effort into the transaction. However, if you have limited experience, it may be prudent to consider hiring a fee-for-service agent who can assist you with specific aspects where you feel you may be lacking.

It’s important to acknowledge that the FSBO approach is better suited for experienced sellers who possess a thorough understanding of real estate transactions. For new sellers, engaging a listing agent is often the best choice to ensure their interests are effectively represented. With the information provided on negotiating a lower commission, you now have the tools to secure the best possible deal. Remember to carefully evaluate and choose an agent who demonstrates their worth and justifies the expense involved.

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  • An experienced marketing consultant with a decade of hands-on experience in real estate. You might catch her at a local jazz bar on a Friday night or at home experimenting with vertical kitchen gardens.

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